As the legend would have it, I borrowed the Kawasaki from the guy I sold it to and rode it down to a weekend party with the KBA ( Kentucky Biker Association). I entered it in the dirt drags and ran the heck out of it all weekend. Sunday morning i rode in the rear of the pack with a bunch of Harleys on the way home and we were running about 100 miles an hour in the hot summer sun. The bike just wouldn't take anymore and broke blew the motor. Everyone kept going and no one ever came back. I pushed the bike in a ditch on the side of the highway and covered it with weeds and brush. I hitch hiked home. A week later i rode down with a truck to get it. A highway crew's bush hog had hit it and they were trying to sue me to get the money for their damaged equipment.
Now that is how the legend went. I can neither deny or confirm the exact facts but I can say one should always be careful who they lend a motorcycle to!